
Pre-Father's Day at the Jazz Town Duals
June 15th, 2019 | Written by: Editor



The 2019 Jazz Town Duals started on Saturday. June 15th, at the Xavier University Athletic Arena.  Twenty teams participated in the day's pool rounds.  Winning the pools were:

A)    Manatee, FL    B)    Wakulla, FL    C)    Southmoore, OK    D)    Morris Fitness, GA

Combined, the two Louisiana Wrestling News photographers took over 700 photos.  However, when the editor returned to his home, well, there was some U.S. Open golf on television and the Final X finals from Lincoln, Nebraska, on FloWrestling.  Hence, not a lot of photo editing happened on Saturday evening.  In honor of the Father's Day weekend, the editor's daughter met her father and took some very good photos for one who knows very little about the sport, aside from her father being able to bore her incessantly with details about the teams and wrestlers.  For putting up with that for countless years, Camille Tyra gets an "in action" photograph.  Some championship photographs will be published Sunday evening with a tournament recap, and the rest of the photos will be published, well, just later I hope.

Camille Tyra placating her father.

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