
Brother Martin builds a sizable lead after the first day of the Trey Culotta
December 23rd, 2016| Written by: Editor



Brother Martin scored 297 points, 44 more than second-place Vestavia Hills's 253 points, during the first-day pool rounds at the Trey Culotta Invitational.  Catholic is in third place with 204.5 points, followed closely by Airline one point behind.

As for Saturday's finals, Brother Martin is the team with the most first and second seeds, followed by St. Paul's, Vestavia Hills and Airline.  Division II's Rayne is next with three one or two seeds.

School 1st or 2nd Seeds Number
Brother Martin 106, 113, 120, 126, 138, 182 6
St. Paul's 126, 132, 138, 145, 152 5
Vestavia Hills 145, 160, 220, 285 4
Airline 160, 182, 195, 220 4
Rayne 113, 170, 195 3
Houston, TN 120, 152 2
Teurlings Catholic 106, 285 2
Catholic 170 1
East Ascension 132 1

With the exception of the matches listed below, the wrestlers cooperated with the seeding committee re pool matches:

Weight and Pool Match
120 lbs. "B" Houston's Nate Kinnear (2) over Teurlings Catholic's Joseph Houston (1)
152 lbs. "A" Vestavia Hills' Peter Dazzio (2) over Brother Martin's Fernando Diaz (1)
182 lbs. "A" Rob Barrentine of Vestavia Hills (4) over East Ascension's Sidney Mitchell (1)

Wrestling is slated to start at 8:30 Friday morning with the finals scheduled for 3:00 p.m.

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