Status: Explaining

Explanatory Notes
April 25th, 2015 | Written by: Editor



The Louisiana Wrestling News article on the 2015 LHSAA State Wrestling Championships is now available, which makes sense after just over two months.  That is not a time frame the editor wishes to use again, despite that compiling such articles is an ever-developing process.  There are a few reasons, however, as to why it took this long.  Some should be appreciated by most while others were absolute surprises.

  1. There are a lot more photographs.  Over 8,000 were taken at the state tournament by myself and my daughter.  Of those, 1,650 were published.  That number is vastly higher than it is in previous state articles because this time I had a much better lens to use, and thus got more good photographs, and I was available for the quarterfinals (of Division I at least) and all of the semifinals;
  2. Included in the photographs of the finals matches are photos of the scorekeeping clock.  This helped immensely in trying to reconstruct what happened during the finals matches;
  3. Family, of course, takes precedence over everything else, and there were some family issues with which I had to spend a lot of time;
  4. Property acquisition is something at which I am a neophyte and it takes a lot of time trying to find the right piece of property in which to invest.  That work will hopefully come to fruition later this week;
  5. Brain poisoning took a toll for two weeks as too much ammonia was finding its way to my cranium.  We (my doctors and I) know why, and we have since mitigated the problem, but suffice to say that while I thought things were fine or just a little "off," my family felt otherwise and had to use too much persuasion to convince me to check into a hospital.  Wrestling thoughts were on whatever was left of my mind during that time, though, even delusional ones like the state tournament being moved to Bossier for the next two years.

Actually there are less than 25,000 words this time, as opposed to over 40,000 in the last two years, but that is primarily due to using tables to display certain results, which in my opinion saved a lot of needless and confusing writing.

Things go amiss though (as I am sure Coach Noran knows), and sometimes no reason can be found.  Such was the case when I checked the article and found that photographs, while published to the server, were not appearing when their little ones were clicked.  I do not know how but somewhere down the line each weight class page lost the "." before "jpg," and just on the hyperlinks to the larger photos - the references had the "." just where it was supposed to be.  Luckily a little empirical method with the "Find & Replace" tool worked.  Yet that took an extra two hours on the day I published the article.

Odd are there are other mistakes I have yet to find.  If any readers find hyperlinks that do not work, please inform me of where the problems are by emailing me at  As I do not have videos of the finals matches I cannot guarantee my recreations are that accurate.  If I have really misinterpreted the photos I have, please let me know and I will be happy to alter the story.  This Website is about accuracy over speed, and I take pleasure, not offense, when I am told I have done something incorrectly.

Please know you may save any photos you like and do not have to ask my permission to do so, unless you happen to be a news or other money-making enterprise.

Now, after perhaps a 24-hour break, I can start putting more results from this season and past ones on the Archives Website.

Once again, thank you for your patience.

Yours sincerely,

Editor -

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